Submodules module module
- class None)[source]
PropAreaSpring interface
- get_names_list() list[str] [source]
Retrieves the names of all existing defined area spring properties.
- Return line_spring_names:
list of area spring names
- Return type:
- get_area_spring_prop(area_spring_name: str) AreaSpringProperties [source]
Retrieves the line spring property of an existing named area spring.
- Parameters:
area_spring_name (str) – name of an existing area spring property
- Return area_springs:
properties of area spring
- Return type:
- set_area_spring_prop(area_spring_name: str, stiffness: list[float], nonlinear_option_3: eSpringNonlinearOption, spring_option: int = 1, soil_profile: str = '', end_length_ratio: float = 0.0, period: float = 0.0, colour: int = 0, notes: str = '', guid: str = '') None [source]
Creates a new named area spring property, or modifies an existing named area spring property
- Parameters:
area_spring_name (str) – name of the new spring property to be defined or an existing area spring property to re-define
stiffness (list[float]) – area spring stiffness matrix [U1, U2, U3] in associated area element’s local coordinate system
nonlinear_option_3 (eSpringNonlinearOption) – nonlinear option for the local 3 direction
spring_option (int, optional) – argument is for a future release
soil_profile (str, optional) – argument is for a future release
end_length_ratio (float, optional) – argument is for a future release
period (float, optional) – argument is for a future release
colour (int, optional) – display color for the property specified as an integer
notes (str, optional) – notes, if any, assigned to the property
guid (str, optional) – global unique identifier
- Type:
list[float] module module
- class None)[source]
PropLineSpring interface
- get_names_list() list[str] [source]
Retrieves the names of all existing defined line spring properties.
- Return line_spring_names:
list of line spring names
- Return type:
- get_line_spring_prop(name: str) LineSpringProperties [source]
Retrieves the line spring property of an existing named line spring.
- Parameters:
line_spring_name (str) – name of an existing line spring property
- Return line_springs:
properties of line spring
- Return type:
- set_line_spring_prop(name: str, stiffness: list[float], nonlinear_option_2: eSpringNonlinearOption, nonlinear_option_3: eSpringNonlinearOption, colour: int = 0, notes: str = '', guid: str = '') None [source]
Creates a new named line spring property, or modifies an existing named line spring property
- Parameters:
name (str) – name of the new spring property to be defined or an existing line spring property to re-define
stiffness (list[float]) – line spring stiffness matrix [U1, U2, U3, R1] in associated line element’s local coordinate system
nonlinear_option_2 (eSpringNonlinearOption) – nonlinear option for the local 2 direction
nonlinear_option_3 (eSpringNonlinearOption) – nonlinear option for the local 3 direction
colour (int, optional) – display color for the property specified as an integer
notes (str, optional) – notes, if any, assigned to the property
guid (str, optional) – global unique identifier
- Type:
list[float] module
- class None)[source]
PropLink interface
- eLinkPropType
EtabsModel LinkPropType enumeration
- set_linear(name: str, dof: list[bool], is_fixed: list[bool], ke: list[float], ce: list[float], dj2: float, dj3: float, ke_is_coupled: bool = False, ce_is_coupled: bool = False, notes: str = '', guid: str = '') None [source]
- set_multi_linear_elastic(name: str, dof: list[bool], is_fixed: list[bool], nonlinear: list[bool], ke: list[float], ce: list[float], dj2: float, dj3: float, notes: str = '', guid: str = '') None [source]
- set_multi_linear_plastic(name: str, dof: list[bool], is_fixed: list[bool], nonlinear: list[bool], ke: list[float], ce: list[float], dj2: float, dj3: float, notes: str = '', guid: str = '') None [source]
- set_multi_linear_points(name, dof: eLinkDof, action_values: list[float], displacement_values: list[float], hysteresis_type: eLinkHysteresisType = eLinkHysteresisType.KINEMATIC, alpha_1: int = 0, alpha_2: int = 0, beta_1: int = 0, beta_2: int = 0, eta: int = 0) None [source] module module
- class None)[source]
PropPointSpring interface
- get_names_list() list[str] [source]
Retrieves the names of all existing defined point spring properties.
- Return point_spring_names:
list of point spring names
- Return type:
- get_point_spring_prop(point_spring_name: str) PointSpringProperties [source]
Retrieves the point spring property of an existing named point spring.
- Parameters:
point_spring_name (str) – name of an existing point spring property
- Return stiffness:
point object spring stiffness matrix [U1, U2, U3, R1, R2, R3]
- Return type:
- set_point_spring_prop(point_spring_name: str, spring_option: ePointSpringStiffnessOption, stiffness: list[float], coord_sys: str = '', soil_profile: str = '', footing: str = '', period: float = 0.0, colour: int = 0, notes: str = '', guid: str = '') None [source]
Creates a new named point spring property, or modifies an existing named point spring property.
- Parameters:
point_spring_name (str) – name of an existing point spring property
spring_option (ePointSpringStiffnessOption) – spring stiffness definition option one of ePointSpringStiffnessOption
stiffness (list[float]) – point object spring stiffness matrix [U1, U2, U3, R1, R2, R3] (applies when sping_option = ePointSpringStiffnessOption.USER_OR_LINK)
coord_sys (str, optional) – name of the coordinate system in which the property is defined, if blank Global is used (applies when sping_option = ePointSpringStiffnessOption.USER_OR_LINK)
soil_profile (str, optional) – name of an existing Soil Profile (applies when sping_option = ePointSpringStiffnessOption.SOIL_OR_FOOTING)
footing (str, optional) – name of an existing Isolated Column Footing (applies when sping_option = ePointSpringStiffnessOption.SOIL_OR_FOOTING)
period (float, optional) – first-mode time period [sec] (applies when sping_option = ePointSpringStiffnessOption.SOIL_OR_FOOTING)
colour (int, optional) – display color for the property specified as an integer
notes (str, optional) – notes, if any, assigned to the property
guid (str, optional) – global unique identifier